This past Friday, I sat at the edge of my seat as I watched a brave superhero save the day. And while Thor: The Dark World was an excellent flick, there is an even greater hero who stole our hearts. And that is: Miles Scott a.k.a. BATKID.

Just about a year ago, nobody knew his name. And now, he represents hope for all. It’s amazing how a small, young boy braved such an adult crisis. And yet, he came out strong, put a huge smile on his face, fought some villains and saved the damsel in distress to boot. We like to think of heroes as big, strong folks with out-of-this-world superpowers. But the strength of a hero can be found in anyone. Even a 5-year-old with a wish.

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During the live-feed, I felt connected to thousands, perhaps millions of people commenting, tweeting and sharing articles all within the span of this little bad ass’ adventure. Tears were shed. But rather than tears of sadness they were tears of joy. And I think it’s safe to say that this beautiful gesture of kindness and goodwill restored our faith in humanity. Lord knows how badly I wanted to fly to San Francisco and cheer the kiddo on.

Batkid saves the day
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Dreaming big isn’t just for the young of age but also the young at heart. So get out there and make it happen, people. Make someone happy. Apply for that school. Learn that magic trick. Quit that dead end job. And visit the Grand Canyon, already! Cause if anyone knows how RADICALLY KICK-ASS life is, it’s this guy:

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There is a BatKid in all of us.

Donate to the Make-A-Wish Foundation

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