National Lampoons Vacation is one of my favorite films of all times. I loved it Chevy Chase plays the hopeless father who wants nothing more than to give his family a great time with memories that will last a life time. I still don’t fully know how I feel on this film but lord knows I am praying it doesn’t let me down!
And for those who want some Holly Jolly in their life try Secret of the Booze‘s latest drink!
ABOUT >>Rich Cassidy
ACCOUNT NAME >> aggressivecomix
BIO >> Rich Cassidy is the CEO and Co-Owner of Aggressive Comix. Aggressive was originally created back in 1997 with his best friend and co-owner Dom Davis (Vice President) between the two of them their levels of geek knowledge is unparalleled. When others were worrying about getting laid Rich was worried about how he would escape the locker he was stuffed into.