I am currently rereading all of Brandon Montclare’s Rocket Girl (newest issue comes out October 8th, the day before New York Comic Con!) about a teenage cop from the techie “future” of 2013 travels back to 1986 to investigate crimes against time. Without getting too much into it, our heroine finds out that her reality should not really exist. Let me tell you, IT IS EPIC. However, there is one point I cannot get past:
Which is why all my finds today have a time traveler’s theme *cue Tardis sound effect*
Who almost creamed themselves when Nike released their Nike Mag, modeled after Marty McFly’s super sweet kicks? Cause I did, until I saw the $3,000 price tag attached to it. THAT SWOOP IS EXPENSIVE. However, luckily, someone took it upon themselves to build a time machine, then jump into the future to 2015 to bring back a specific amount of shoes for the general public to drool over and then consume for a discounted $100.
They are currently taking preorders up to September 30, so if you want these shoes and are lacking in time traveling devices, then GET YO’ PAIR, NOW! Then hop on your hoverboard in these officially licensed Back to the Future II Doc Browns with rechargeable LED lights.
I imagine there is a lot of planning when it comes to figuring out the shipping through space time continuum.
Bust out your favorite pair of beat up jeans and pair these “Fly” shoes with a super soft vintage Back to the Future tshirt from Exile Wear ($25.11). Throw on this excellent Tardis infinity scarf ($38.49) by PhatCatPatch (with a free Tardis necklace to match!!) and grab ModCloth’s Terminator-esque jacket ($59.99) to combat any chills you might run into while running through time.
PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, WE ALL NEED SNUGGLES (even cyborg assassins).
If you are feeling rather sassy, choose from absolutely adorable pink Delorean or the epic full time machine skirt made by the talented Go Follow Rabbits to make your time traveling experience comfortable.
For more dressy events, I found this Doctor Who Ten dress ($120) created by Lameasaurus that has a fabulous swoosh factor to it to be worn with this hand-painted Exploding Tardis heels ($120). If you are not willing to shell out the dough, hang this adorable tardis bow clip ($20) on your shoe for a cute but understated look. LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY DETAILS THEY PUT INTO EVERY PIECE.
Extra bonus: For every pair you buy, Fritz Painting Co. donates a pair of shoes to a child in need. Good feels for the day!
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?” ugh, you said it Doctor.
– Bookworm Fashionista