There is no shortage of themed nightclubs in the Los Angeles area. On weekends, you can find pretty much any type of club experiences imaginable, and now thanks to Bernie Bergman of Nerds Like Us and his friends/partners, Club Cosplay is happening too. Opening officially on Saturday June 28th, Club Cosplay (at the M15 Concert Bar & Grill in Corona, CA)is going to offer attendees a safe place to enjoy each other’s costumed company, and various nerd-geek themed entertainments.
Bernie was nice enough to answer some questions about how the idea of a cosplay themed club came about, and what his vision is for the success of the idea:
“This is meant to be a nightclub experience with all the usual happenings of a nightclub (live and mixed music, drinks, VIP booths, bottle service, etc…) but in an environment geared towards and ran by Cosplayers and other nerd-culture supporters. There’s a code of conduct called Nerd-safe, which will be strictly enforced to protect against any form of poor conduct or exploitation. We encourage costumes or other fandom-repping high fashion (kinda like Castle Corsetry pieces), however it’s totally acceptable to dress in whatever you’re comfortable in to be in a nightclub. We’re giving away $500 in the professional division of the costume contest. The contest is being judged by some very well respected people in the scene including Ivy Doomkitty, Dave Turner, Lauren Bergman, and Fanboy Brandon (Hillock). Live acts include Jedi Elvis (Cosplayer Eric Caijut who does Elvis impersonating and changes the lyrics to be SW themed… think “dancing’ the the Death Star rock”) and action-band Songhammer which does metal songs about MMO gaming. Songhammer won the BlizzCon battle of the bands last year.