In other news, the sky is blue. And this is just breaking: every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Ok, if you’ve ever paid attention to these two interacting it was telegraphed far, far in advance that the two of them were in a romantic relationship. Sure it wasn’t explicit, but it was obvious. It was confirmed via hashtag chat over the official DC Comics Twitter account with Harley Quinn series writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner.
Yes, they are Girlfriends without the jealousy of monogamy. @jpalmiotti @AmandaRantsAlot #HarleyQuinnChat
— DC Comics (@DCComics) June 12, 2015
When Harley falls in love, she falls in love hard and loyally no matter who they are. @jpalmiotti #HarleyQuinnChat
— DC Comics (@DCComics) June 12, 2015
Now the big question is whether that will survive the next time DC Comics reboots the entire universe yet again… which I expect to happen in summer of 2016. Comics aren’t above retconning sexual relationships (see: She-Hulk and Juggernaut) so if DC doesn’t like what Palmiotti and Conner said there’s already precedence for them to go out of their way to fix it.
I think they’re one of the best comic book pairings ever.
[Image: Harley and Ivy by aninael]