Entertainment Weekly has been on a role likely do to the 2016 edition of there magazine. The latest images include that of the new Ghostbusters as well as who Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones will be facing in 2016.
“Dead criminals from all eras of New York’s underbelly past have returned to roost among the living in Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot. Pilgrims, old-timey sailors, Revolutionary War spirits, and even a couple of zoot-suited gangsters are ready to take on four formidable female busters looking to rid the city of its phantasmic filth,”
If you are anything like myself you agree that this film should have just been an extension of the universe and thus a sequel as opposed to a reboot. Reboots imply that the original source material was not good enough and therefore needs to be fully redone. Doing a sequel from a larger companies point of view you would think would be smarter as it would spawn the need to buy all the back catolgue episodes for families can teach their kids about the film while holding onto the original source material… but whatever I am going to go kick back a few Ecto Cooler and reminise about the good ole days of classic cinema where Hollywood did not just phone it in.