Any company celebrating a 25th anniversary is cause for celebration. A comics house doing so is incredible, and Image Comics has reached that milestone. At Emerald City Comic Con 2017 in Seattle Washington, Image held a panel that gathered together all but one of the original founding artists of the comic house.

Unfortunately Jim Lee wasn’t in attendance, but that TOTALLY meant part of the hour and a half panel turned into a Lee Roast, which was amazing. Anytime Spawn creator Todd McFarlane starts to tell baseball stories, you know you’re in for a freaking treat.
If you want to listen to the audio from the Image Comics panel, keep in mind it may get NSFW at times because these are GUYS who’ve known each other for 25 years. Some of the stories get a little balls related. Check it out-

Photos and recording by AggressiveComix Editor-In-Chief Mary Anne Butler, taken at the 2017 Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle Washington.