Always a favorite at any CCI event, we bring you the 16th annual Starship Smackdown live from WonderCon 2017. This year a team of Grups (wise/older) vs Millennials (hip/younger) debate the age old question, WHAT STARSHIP WILL WIN?! Built like fantasy football for nerds, this bracketed space battle is filled with hilarity and expert opinions.

Sound awesome?  IT IS!  Scroll down to the bottom for the Smackdown audio!

L to R: Kay Reindl, Ashley E. Miller, Bobak Ferdowsi, Prashanth Pandian, Robert Meyer Burnett, Nikki Griffin, Daren Dochterman, Steven Melching, Christian Gossett, host Mark A. Altman and co host Kate along with newcomer Isaac Muldoon.

Panelists this year included Team Grup’s Kay Reindl, Christian Gossett, Daren Dochterman, Steven Melching, Robert Meyer Burnett, and Ashley E. Miller while Team Millennial had JPL’s Bobak Ferdowsi and Prashanth Pandian, GEEK Magazine editor Nikki Griffin, and new comer Isaac Muldoon.  The Sunday panel was hosted by Mark A. Altman and new apprentice Kate!

Thanks for letting me be Vannah White guys!

Our very own Editor in Chief (myself) was the scorekeeper for Smackdown, dressed as Princess Leia. As per usual, I laughed so hard I cried.  We’ll add more photos of the panel as we get them edited from one of our contributing photographers, Bill Watters.

The scoreboard going into the FINAL BATTLE, ships in red were entered by Team Grup ships in green were entered by Team Millennial. The blue names above the final two ships were the chosen captains of Captain Crunch and Captain Jack Sparrow.  

Pretty much our #1 do not miss panel at every WonderCon and SDCC.  Mark your calendars now for Sunday at San Diego!

ABOUT >> Mary Anne Butler
  • BIO >> Mary Anne Butler (Mab) is a reporter and photographer from San Francisco California. She is a lifelong geek, huge music nerd, occasionally cosplays at conventions, does Renaissance Faires, and in general lives the life of a True Believer. She may be short, but she makes up for it with a loud voice.
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