Being able to watch Guardians of the Galaxy as a class requirement should be instituted in all university syllabi. It will not only increase class attendance, but there is definitely a way to integrate it in class discussions..right? RIGHT?!

In the University of Baltimore, this will be a reality as of next spring, for at least one class anyways. The school plans on offering a course examining favorites such as Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America in order to seek out the international social conditions in which these films have grown in popularity while analyzing the translation of heroism in modern-day pop culture.

I think this one may have gone global.

This should be epic, especially if you get your kicks comparing the comics to the movies.

You don't mess with endorsement like that.
You don’t mess with endorsement like that.


Other universities have also offered pop culture based classes in the past such as seminars on Game of Thrones (SO. MUCH. THERE. TO. DISCUSS.), the Wire, and even one on Miley Cyrus at Skidmore College…*dies a little inside*

OH. For those of you curious about insights into human nature juxtaposed against the history of comics, Grant Morrison wrote a brilliant book titled Super Gods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human that may satisfy that craving. You learn some truly intriguing facts about the mechanics of how superheroes came into being while reading about the different social uses for them as they developed. It is Morrison at his finest..some moments of quirky humor, some angst, and definitely some fuckery mixed together.

ABOUT >> Mac Lemons
  • ACCOUNT NAME >> paranoidlemons
  • BIO >> Mac is a history lover, avid harry potter fan, and occasionally pretends to join the circus. While flying on fabrics and searching for magic are her true passions, her civilian life forces her to walk around a lot.
  • CONTACT >>

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