The Hillywood Show has given birth to a parody music video. They’ve taken Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” and reworked it with Rick and co. shooting a bunch of walkers and dancing with some sweet moves. Hey, if The Evil Dead can get a musical then why the hell not The Walking Dead?
Bonus! Supernatural’s Osric Chau shows up as a walker!
Here’s the description of the parody:
You’ve never seen THE WALKING DEAD like this before! The hit show gets a music video make over in this kick-ass parody by The Hillywood Show®! Leave your stuff and thangs at home and join Rick, center stage, in this Queen-tastic parody of AMC’s popular series! Comes complete with slow-mo dance breaks and all the Walkers, guts and gore you can handle.
This production by The Hillywood Show® is in full beast mode and leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat, as another one bites the dust!
Fun Fact: One might spot Supernatural actor Osric Chau making a cameo as a recognizable The Walking Dead character – keep your eyes peeled!