Now for your daily dose of “damn that’s fucking rad:” an Airsoft hobbyist who makes Mandalorian inspired armor for the Airsoft community has now partnered with Surefire, SOG Knives & Tools, AR500 Armor, Team Wendy , Armasight, Inc., Wilcox Industries Corp., and TEA Headsets to make legitimate ballistic versions of his designs.

Look, I know you’re limiting your visibility with a helmet like that, I just can’t bring myself to care! Look at that armor! As a Star Wars fan first and a gun owner second, I am fully behind this, even with the tactical limitations, and I am willing to take this down to the range and field test it for a review. So drop me a line Mr. Ryan Flowers of Galac-Tac.

In all seriousness, it’s great that we are at the point in our development as humans that we can craft Mandalorian armor not just as a cosplay getup but as something any one of us can dust off, pull from the closet and don when the proverbial shit hits the fan. Believe me, in the wasteland of the post apocalypse, there is nothing more useful than an intimidating visage. Just don’t try to bring this on your next deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan, because I don’t think your CO is going to let you take this out on patrol. If only because you’d be the most instantly respected galactic badass of your unit.

ABOUT >> Eric Breen
  • ACCOUNT NAME >> sovereign
  • BIO >> Writer and Photographer whose hobbies include all that is geek, Gaming and Sci-fi/Fantasy are my specialty, but damn if Marvel hasn't made me way more interested in Comics than I ever have been, though my roots are in the 90's cartoons. If I could watch only one film franchise for the rest of my life I'd pick Star Wars.
  • CONTACT >>

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