Oh my god it’s here again, Black Friday is the time of year to stay safely in the house away from the madness that overcomes zealous deal hunting moms and dads everywhere. But we know better, we gamers. One of our own created a platform perfect for facilitating our best introverted tendencies, Steam. And aside from that there is always Newegg and Amazon to satisfy your internet shopping itch. Here are some of the latest Black Friday Gaming Deals!
Skyrim Less Than 7 USD!

The first deal on top of my list is definitely Skyrim on Steam if you don’t already have it or if you know someone who needs to try it. Skyrim is sitting at $6.59!!! Not to mention, you can get the add-ons at a discounted price and the rest of the Elder Scrolls series is also on sale! Now is the time people!
Dooooooom … 20 USD

Next up, in the shooter department, id Software’s 2016 hit Doom is on sale for less than 20 bucks. Not only is that an awesome price, it’s actually an awesome game. The campaign is brilliant with a story you can ignore or totally get into because this time it’s actually pretty good. Or just wreck demons in completely satisfyingly gory ways with all sorts of weapons including your bare hands.
Oh, while you’re at it, Fallout 4 is also under 20 bucks.
The Witcher III – 30

Ok, enough of the Bethesda games, if you like RPG’s and you have not played the Witcher series or if you were waiting for a sale like, I don’t know, Black Friday, then here you go. Witcher 3 is a perfect game to get started with because it has a lot less bugs than the previous games! It’s also fantastic and 30 dollars is a damn fair price to pay for hours and hours of gameplay. Also there’s sex on a unicorn.
ARPG’s That Aren’t Diablo For Cheap

Into ARPG’s? Then you may want to have a look at Van Helsing, which is on sale at a ‘how can I possibly pass this up’ three dollars and seventy four cents. $3.74. What? You’d be losing money if you didn’t buy this! It’s a pretty good game as well and at this price point there’s not a lot of reasons not to try it.
And while we’re talking about this genre, Grim Dawn is on sale for 14.99 and I have it on good authority that it also is a good game, though I can’t personally attest to this. Yep, there’s a game I haven’t played, but not anymore, because it’s on sale!

Ok, ok, ok, maybe your computer needs an upgrade like the one I’ve had collecting dust and the hair of my many cats. Newegg has you covered with some sick deals on, well, everything. But check out the EVGA GTX 1070 at 409.99 and a Core i7 4 GHz processor for just 299.99. Want something to display it on, there’s an LG 49 inch 4k for 399.99! Need. All. The. Things!
To Recap
Go to Steam and Newegg and also Amazon!