Being real heavy into video games and customization, I spent some time looking online for gamer skins for my PS4 and found an amazing site that I wanted to share with you all.
Decal Girl is the website.
They do a lot more than just video game skins too, I was amazing by the different options they were able to do with all kinds of electronics. Being a Web Designer myself, I was quite impressed with the selection and customization.
You can even create your own look and feel, for people who want to do their own design and put their gamer tag on the system. As some of my friends will probably create their own design with their clan tags on them.
I personally ended up buying the Classic Nintendo one for my PS4, For 2 of my PS4 Controllers, and also an additional one for my Gaems Suitcase, due to my love for the Old School Gaming Design.
The Site is quite secure and provides multiple payment options including PayPal and Google Trust Stores to make sure that you have coverage on your transaction.