While his involvement in the new Twin Peaks series for Showtime isn’t news, series creator David Lynch tweeted this photo earlier today of Agent Dale Cooper (MacLachlan), stating:

Entertainment Weekly is missing the boat on this, calling the new series a “reboot”, which it isn’t. Lynch has stated this series for Showtime will be a continuation of the original series, as if everyone had continued living their lives for 25 years.

Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour continuted today, where MacLachlan handed a “damn good cup of coffee” to Showtime president David Nevins.


“I’m very excited to return to the strange and wonderful world of Twin Peaks,” said MacLachlan, dressed in a Cooper-style dark suit. “May the forest be with you.” Lynch will helm all of the nine episodes, which Showtime expects to air in 2016.

Nevins said “And it felt like only way you could do it is to have David committing to directing all of them and that’s what I was begging for,” he said. “This is something they’ve been toying with. And for David, 25 years was the magic number. There’s a reference in original, ‘I’ll see you in 25 years.’”

ABOUT >> Mary Anne Butler
  • BIO >> Mary Anne Butler (Mab) is a reporter and photographer from San Francisco California. She is a lifelong geek, huge music nerd, occasionally cosplays at conventions, does Renaissance Faires, and in general lives the life of a True Believer. She may be short, but she makes up for it with a loud voice.
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