Wonder Woman carries the hopes and dreams of fans from all corners of the world. The DC Comics classic hero has remained one of the most important (and iconic) female comic characters since her inception in December of 1941. Wonder Woman has maintained fan love and appreciation since then, getting her own cartoon series(es), animated feature films, and more hot selling merchandise than you can shake a shield at.

Princess Diana had her own TV show, bringing the idea of a strong warrior princess to homes across the country in 1975, but this will be the first time Wonder Woman has had her own live action full length movie.

Director Patty Jenkins is at the helm of Wonder Woman, after many early issues with finding a female director to bring the story to life. Israeli actress Gal Gadot has already portrayed the Amazonian princess once already in the much maligned Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. She was kind of the best part of that film, especially when you factor in her bitchin’ theme song!

Anyhow, what you’re really here for is the brand new trailer, trailer #3 for the upcoming ultimate girl power super hero film:
Wonder Woman is set to open worldwide on June 2nd, 2017.