Fresh off this week’s record numbers for the ABC series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.LD., we have our first look at the concept art for the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.

What is that? Well, here is the press release from Marvel from last week detailing their vision, key points being the partnership of NASA, Marvel, and Discovery Times Square.

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Discovery Times Square will be transformed into the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. on May 23, 2014. For tickets, visit this site.  (Tickets are also currently available for purchase at the box office.)

ABOUT >> Mary Anne Butler
  • BIO >> Mary Anne Butler (Mab) is a reporter and photographer from San Francisco California. She is a lifelong geek, huge music nerd, occasionally cosplays at conventions, does Renaissance Faires, and in general lives the life of a True Believer. She may be short, but she makes up for it with a loud voice.
  • CONTACT >>

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