Sony wrapped up their press conference not long ago and I think my heart rate might still be high. Aside from revealing the hardware (pretty sleek), plenty of games were announced, and they made the most of their time slot, essentially calling Microsoft a bunch of wankers while strolling off with what I can only imagine is a large chunk of Microsoft’s business. Just take a look at this game list:
- Gran Turismo 6
- The Last of Us got a new trailer
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Batman: Arkham Origins
- Destiny – Demoed live
- Watch Dogs – Also demoed live
- Assassin’s Creed 4 (which froze, sadly)
- Driveclub
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Final Fantasy XV
- Infamous: Second Son
- The Order: 1886
- Kingdom Heart III
- The Dark Sorceror
- Transistor
- Mad Max (Exclusive DLC!)
People have been waiting for Square Enix to bust there particular bubbles for a while now, so that was a pathos in and of itself, but add to that the beautiful Infamous: Second Son trailer, Killzone and Beyond, and you’ve got a serious recipe for success. Sony has been clawing its way back on the heels of the 360 for a while, and this is its chance to get far enough ahead to possibly construct the Xbox’s coffin itself.
The console design was revealed, an edgy parallelogram. Playstation Pus is getting plenty of support: carrying over from PS3s and giving a free game every month, though this comes at the tradeoff that PS plus is now required to play multiplayer online.
Elder Scrolls online got a big annoucement (though not exclusive), and Final Fantasy XV (once known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII) remains exclusive. There are several services for streaming video to PS4 (And ps3 and Vita, natch) that are going to be offering exclusive content (Redbox Instant and Flixter). Lots of the games that aren’t exclusive to PS4 are getting exclusive extras included: Batman: Arkham Origins, Watch Dogs and Mad Max among them.
One of the bigger deals is that Sony is giving much more to the indie developer than Microsoft is, celebrating smaller studios and making it easier to get games published onto the PSN.
In the biggest three “fuck you’s” I’ve heard in months though, Sony dropped two bombshells aimed directly at the Xbone: The pricetag, $399. And (I’ll let you catch your breath after that last one) used games are fully supported, with no nonsense, including no required internet connection to play single player games (that’s number three, by the way).
By and large, Sony left everyone in high spirits for the future. Where Microsoft kicked us in the shins and told us it hurts them more than it hurts us, Sony showed up and kissed it better, made us some soup, and bought us ice cream.
It’s delicious.