Remember that story we ran about Edgar Wright and Marvel parting ways before Ant-Man got finished? Well, it seems like other Marvel directors have things to say about this, too. Drew Goddard who was heading the Netflix Marvel series Daredevil parted ways with the comic studio giant officially in March, but news broke last week about the split.
Avengers writer/director Joss Whedon was quick to post this tribute in support of Wright’s leaving Ant-Man.
The Cornetto is synonymous with Wright’s movies Shaun of the Dead,Hot Fuzz and The World’s End, which were named the Cornetto trilogy or “Three Flavours Cornetto” due to the appearance of this delicious, British ice cream. Pretty awesome there.
And now, we have a quote about the entire thing from James Gunn, director of the upcoming Marvel Guardians Of The Galaxy (which we can’t wait for!). Here is his full statement:
“Sometimes you have friends in a relationship. You love each of them dearly as individuals and think they’re amazing people. When they talk to you about their troubles, you do everything you can to support them, to keep them together, because if you love them both so much doesn’t it make sense they should love each other? But little by little you realize, at heart, they aren’t meant to be together – not because there’s anything wrong with either of them, but they just don’t have personalities that mesh in a comfortable way. They don’t make each other happy. Although it’s sad to see them split, when they do, you’re surprisingly relieved, and excited to see where their lives take them next.
It’s easy to try to make one party “right” and another party “wrong” when a breakup happens, but it often isn’t that simple. Or perhaps it’s even more simple than that – not everyone belongs in a relationship together. It doesn’t mean they’re not wonderful people.
And that’s true of both Edgar Wright and Marvel. One of them isn’t a person, but I think you get what I mean.”
It’ll certainly be interesting to see what the next moves are for Marvel, who will pick up the antenna reigns for Ant-Man, and how Wright’s Kolchak The Nightstalker project with Johnny Depp goes.