From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes “Moana,” a brand new feature about a heroine sailing out to help save her people. During the journey, Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho) the once-mighty demigod Maui (voiced by Dwayne Johnson), who plays a sort of mentor figure to the girl. Together it looks like they’ll sail on a journey of discovery. It seems like the film is about heritage and one’s self discovery though adventure. The makers of Zootopia, Frozen, Big Hero Six and Tangled seem like they can do no wrong at this point as they develop blockbuster hit after blockbuster hit.
Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of Oceania. But then, for a millennium, their voyages stopped – and no one knows why.
Directed by the renowned filmmaking team of Ron Clements and John Musker (“The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “The Princess & the Frog”) and produced by Osnat Shurer (“Lifted,” “One Man Band”), “Moana” opens into U.S. theaters on Nov. 23, 2016 just in time for Thanksgiving.
Check out the first trailer for the film below:
For more on Moana upcoming Disney films, stay tuned.